Australian Microplastics Assessment Project (AUSMAP) is a citizen science project that trains volunteers in the scientific method for collecting, recording and reporting on microplastics in the environment. The data feeds into the Australian Marine Debris Institute database.
PRCG Coordinator, Nell Graham, and Riverkeeper, Jasmine Payget, both took part in microplastics training that was provided by AUSMAP at Kissing Point Park on 27 November. The PRCG sponsored 11 places in the course, enabling staff from some of our member councils and Riverkeeper Network volunteers to attend. The PRCG has bought a monitoring kit and aims to be a regional hub. If you are in the catchment and would like to be contacted about future training or monitoring, please email: Riverkeeper@
Many thanks to the AUSMAP trainers for sharing their knowledge and experience and also to Sandra and Keith of Concord and Ryde Sailing Club for providing the venue and joining in the training.