Community Representative Nomination Form

Thank you for your interest in becoming a community representative on the Parramatta River Catchment Group. The PRCG highly values community input on its planning and operations and sees this as key to the PRCG’s success in delivering a world-class river for all our catchment communities. 

Community representatives are invited from community and environmental groups, including waterway user groups and non-government organisations (NGOs), who are active in the Parramatta River catchment. 

Community representatives are welcomed to actively participate in all discussions of the PRCG Full Group. They do not contribute financially to the PRCG and, therefore, do not have voting rights, but their value to the group is acknowledged as key to its success. 

Community representatives are expected to attend and participate in quarterly PRCG Full Group meetings, actively liaise between relevant stakeholder groups, participate in relevant projects and share information with other community groups and individuals, where possible. 

PRCG Full Group meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month from 5:30-7:30pm, hosted in various locations across our nine local government areas. The remaining meeting dates for 2021 are: 3 June, 2 September and 2 December 2021. 

A maximum five community representatives will be selected. Representatives are expected to commit to a three-year term, if possible. After this, current and new community group representatives will again be invited to apply via a nomination process. Existing community representatives are very welcome to reapply.

If you would like to nominate yourself, please complete the form below. Nomination forms must be submitted by 5:00pm, Monday 10 May 2021.

For more information, please email the PRCG Coordinator, Nell Graham, at: