The Parramatta River Catchment Group has been working hard over the past few years to develop a plan for the river.

We have just released Ten Steps to a Living River that form the basis of the Parramatta River Masterplan, which will be launched in October 2018 at the International Riversymposium.

The Masterplan sets out our agreed actions to make the Parramatta River swimmable again, which has been designed based on extensive scientific research and community consultation.

Click here to read more about our Ten Steps to a Living River, download our brochure or watch our new video!


Have your say!

We have involved the community every step of the way through the development of the Parramatta River Masterplan.We now want you to let us know if you think our plan deserves a gold medal or if we need to adjust our floaties!

Click here to have your say on the Parramatta River Masterplan.