The PRCG has been successful in securing $1.8 million in funding from the NSW Government for the delivery of two key Masterplan projects for the Parramatta River catchment:
1. Riverbank naturalisation project
$1 million over three years will contribute towards the development of a strategic policy to protect and enhance existing riparian zones. The project will also identify priority sites for revegetation and deliver some initial on-ground works.
The catchment-wide strategy will overcome the current disparate approach to riparian management that varies between local and state government agencies and other landowners. It will also enable investment to be directed to areas with the greatest need, ensuring that environmental and recreational benefits are maximised through on-grounds.
2. Stormwater compliance and education program
$800,000 over four years will fund a full-time role and program to address stormwater compliance and education throughout the catchment. The role will involve the inspection of privately and publicly owned stormwater pollution control devices and establish a capacity-building program with PRCG member councils to support the delivery of stormwater education, compliance, and management activities within their organisations. Additionally, the role will work with councils to progress litter prevention initiatives and expand the Get the Site Right education and compliance campaign.
The funding will allow the PRCG to deliver a significant program of works over the next few years that will improve waterway health in the catchment. For more information, contact the PRCG Coordinator at: