Masterplan stages

The Parramatta River Masterplan was delivered in two stages.

In Stage 1, we undertook a series of research projects to:

  • Better understand and define the elements of swimmable river
  • Develop an evidence base for actions and targets that can be realistically achieved by 2025
  • Establish clear metrics for how we monitor progress towards achieving these targets.

In Stage 2, we used this evidence base to make decisions on the pathways we will take to achieve our mission.

The final Masterplan was officially launched for Public Exhibition on Thursday, 18 October 2018. Review the Masterplan Public Exhibition Feedback Report.

Development of the Masterplan has been led by the PRCG with substantial input and support from stakeholders and community members across the catchment.

Sydney Water has been appointed as the lead agency to drive delivery of the Masterplan and has provided significant additional resources to accelerate implementation within the delivery timeframe.

The Masterplan is specifically referenced in several local council plans as well as key state planning documents, including the three relevant District Plans and the EPA Strategic Plan. It is also consistent with the OEH/EPA Risk-based framework for considering waterway health outcomes in strategic land use planning decisions.