9. Report back regularly


Regular monitoring and reporting not only shows us if we’re meeting our goal of creating a living river, it helps keep our river in the mind of everyone involved and reminds them that this is a long-term project that is worth investing in.

The Masterplan Dashboard has now been established to report Masterplan progress. Sydney Water’s Community and Business Affairs Group are working with the Delivery Engine and PRCG to develop a Communications and Engagement program, this is key to keeping the implementation of the Masterplan at the forefront.


Undertake regular monitoring and report annually to stakeholders and the community on progress towards the Parramatta River Masterplan.



Lead Agency

Sydney Water.

Current Measure

Masterplan Dashboard
The dashboard is updated quarterly to provide all stakeholders with insight on the status of each Masterplan step.

Delivery Engine Update
Delivery Engine reports are provided to the PRCG Full Group every quarter.

PRCG Full Group Meetings
The PRCG Full Group meets on a quarterly basis. The Full Group has a quorum of member agencies and councils. These meetings are the main mechanism to report on the status of the actions of the Parramatta River Masterplan. The agendas for the meetings, since the Masterplan was launched in October 2020, provide insight into what the group has considered.

Annual Report
The annual report provides a yearly summary of the PRCG’s activities, projects, campaigns and events, including the progress made on the delivery of the Parramatta River Masterplan. Read the PRCG 2022-23 Annual Report.

Parramatta River Swim Report
The Swim Report provides a current snapshot of swim site activation in the river. It includes a historical timeline of the river, aerial photo highlighting the location and activation status of each swim site and suggestions on ways people can help make the river swimmable again. The report is updated annually or as significant progress occurs. Read the Parramatta River Swim Report.

Progress Timeline

December 2023 to February 2024

PRCG Organisational and strategic review:

  • Consultant and PRCG Coordinator have met several times to discuss changes to project management, strategic plan, staff resourcing, MoU, and ToR.
  • Draft recommendations to be provided to the PRCG Exec for review by 15 December.
  • Draft report to be submitted to the Full Group and presented at the meeting on 7 March 2024
  • Masterplan dashboard: updated with key actions after the Masterplan Delivery quarterly report is approved by the Full Group. https://www.ourlivingriver.com.au/our-plan/masterplan-dashboard/
September to November 2023

PRCG organisational and strategic review:

  • Consultant has interviewed several PRCG member agency representatives.
  • Executive workshop planned for September.
June to August 2023

PRCG organisational and strategic review: scoping of review with workshop planned for June. Aim is to identify:

  • Priority actions to deliver the Masterplan.
  • Priority actions to deliver the Masterplan.
  • Future strategic direction of the PRCG.
  • Streamline reporting to the Full Group.
  • Masterplan dashboard: updated with key actions after the Masterplan Delivery quarterly report is approved by the Full Group. https://www.ourlivingriver.com.au/our-plan/masterplan-dashboard/
March – May 2023

December 2022 – February 2023

September – November 2022

  • The dashboard is updated after the Delivery Engine quarterly report is approved by the PRCG Full Group.
June – August 2022

  • The 2021-22 Annual Report was completed and distributed at the September Full Group meeting. The annual report serves as a valuable record of PRCG activities and achievements over the year.
  • Dashboard now hosted on the Our Living River website:
  • The dashboard is updated after the Delivery Engine quarterly report is approved by the PRCG Full Group. 
March – May 2022

September 2021 – February 2022

June – August 2021

  • The 2020-21 Annual Report was completed and will be distributed in November.
  • The Masterplan Dashboard is now hosted on the Our Living River website.
  • The dashboard is updated after the Delivery Engine quarterly report is approved by the PRCG Full Group.
March – May 2021

  • The Masterplan Dashboard is now hosted on the Our Living River website.
  • The dashboard is updated after the Delivery Engine quarterly report is approved by the PRCG Full Group.
December 2020 – February 2021

  • The 2019-20 Annual Report was released and distributed in late December 2020.
September – November 2020

  • The Masterplan Dashboard is now hosted on the Our Living River website.
  • The dashboard is updated after the Delivery Engine quarterly report is approved by the Full Group.
  • The 2019-20 Annual Report will be distributed before the end of the year. Timing for the preparation of future reports will be brought forward to align with the end of the financial year.
June – August 2020

  • The Masterplan Dashboard is now hosted on the Our Living River website.
  • The dashboard is updated after the Delivery Engine quarterly report is approved by the Full Group.
March – May 2020

December 2019 – February 2020

  • Development of Masterplan dashboard on Our Living River website progressed to be launched in early April.
  • Funding options for website, app and electronic signage investigated.
  • PRCG overview brochure developed and distributed.
  • Parramatta River swim report updated and distributed.
September – November 2019

  • PRCG 2018-19 Annual Report released.
June – August 2019

  • Review of current dashboard format undertaken and planning for revised dashboard commenced.
March – May 2019

  • Reporting dashboard progressed using software Power BI, with initial dashboard measures in place for workstreams 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 10.